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Staff Guide

Please read all of it.

The Job:

What should I do?:

The staff guide is public so that you and staff will have a complete understanding of how things work because 

there is nothing more annoying (other than griefers) than staff who don't know how to do their job.


This guide is how to be a Mod on TrialMines.

Read it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.  For the  benefit of the player and server. - Zoa

It is easy when you do it right. As a staff member your job is to simply moderate the server and all its players.

What don't I do?:

Awnser player questions as best you can.

Watch chat prevent spam and inappropriate talk.

Help players by guiding them around the server and teach them how to do things if they don't know.

Give the appropriate punishment accordingly with Mutes, Tempbans and Kicks. (If minor give 1-2 warnings first)

Report to staff and owner about your actions of punishment if necessary in order to prevent false accusation

or abuse.

Be fair.

Try to be avtive when are players online.

Be serious about being mod but don't be rude. 

Have common sense PLEASE. thank you.

Make sure to have fun. ;)

Good things to know:


Don't be mean.

Don't be rude.

Do not argue with players no one really wins.

Don't mute/ban/kick people as a joke It's unprofessional.

Don't forget common sense.

Don't ask for a promotion there is no admin/mod+/co-owner etc.

Don't give punishments to things like

"HE CALLED ME A ******!!" So I muted him for 2 hours.

Please don't do that.

Don't copy other players.

Don't be afk. Most people hate it when staff is online and afk.

Don't abuse commands.

Don't ask for extra commands or permissions.

Don't ask for OP.

How to handle:

Feel free to ask or report if you are unsure about something.


Being staff does not mean you can't play

you can play as normal as everyone else just don't cheat.

Players can see when you mute someone so that they know  when someone cannot speak.

If you are a player you can report a staff member anytime if you see abuse.

Spamming the same thing will automatically kick a player.

Spamming commands will do the same.

However, you should know when to take a more

serious action if things get out of hand.

Only tp to a player if necessary.

Builders do not have extra commands

they only have a prefix to show their specialness

Only the owner is opped with the exception trusted friends. Only temporarily of course.

Player "Hottiest" is my alt. Don't be afraid he wont bite.

The website may be updated. Be sure to check back often.

You have the /help Command but I'll explain how to do



Time on Mutes/Kicks/Tempbans may vary depending on how bad it is.

Spamming. /mute "name"  10 min

Hacking. /Tempban "name" 9 year 

(You may want to report this to the owner)

Insulting a player. /Tempban or /Mute

If someone is not doing anything that goes 

against the rules take no action.

Even if someone wants you to. Instead make a report

or have them make a report.

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